No Motivation From Matthias

Well, it’s the Moday after the big return and Matthias just can’t seem to get it together. He’s the hardest to motivate for me and he just doesn’t do anything fast when it comes to school, sigh…I’ve sent him off to the piano, we’ll see what he can produce.  My sweet Matthias, what can I do for you?

Writing Opportunities

I’m thrilled to have been asked by the guru of the Carnivals to participate in the upcoming Carnival of Homeschooling!  I’m writing about why I love to home school as there is no set theme, so anything goes.  Having just come off vacation time, this seems appropriate because it’s this lifetsyle that affords us any kind of schedule we choose!

Comforts of Home

There’s nothing like sleeping in your own bed!  I can’t emphasize "own" enough here as we’ve just come off a two week stint in hotels and different beds every few days.  I LOVE my bed, my pillows (yes, plural) my sheets, my comforter, the fact that it’s a King.  I could go on, but I won’t, you get the picture.  Travelling is wonderful but there’s nothing better than having that beautiful reunion with your beloved bed, a true comfort of home.

We’re Home, What a Trip

Whew, we made it home from just south of Sacramento last night about 10pm after a quick dinner in Twin.  The drive was fortuantely uneventful and not too laborious.  Gabriel has finally adapted to the long rides in the car.  This is just a quick note, more detail later…so glad to be home, but what a trip!!!

First Night

First day, pretty brutal, lots of driving, Nevada is so barren and ugly, who would want to live anywhere in Nevada, hmm.

Vegas was SO disappointing, we had to eat at Denny’s, and then keep driving to Primm, good hotel and good bed, that’s all I can say.

Kids did GREAT!  Gabriel did pretty good.

Ready, Set, Go!

It’s going to be a busy day today getting ready for our long-awaited trip to Disneyland.  This will be our third time going.  The kids are so excited!  Seamus is especially excited to be such a big boy now, and will really know what’s going on, although he will surely be a little tentative with some of it, as it is overwhelming for most.

I love theses lines:

Sweet recreation barred, what doth ensue but moody and dull melancholy, kinsman to grim and comfortless despair; and at their heels, a huge infectious troop of pale distemperatures and foes to life.  ~Shakespeare~

Better yet, and would have surely put an end to Shakespeares melancholy:

Recreation is not being idle; it is easing the wearied part by change of occupation.  To re-create strength, rest.  To create mind, repose.  To re-create cheerfulness, hope in God, or change object of one’s attention to some more elevated and worthy thought.  ~Simmons~

This is certainly more of what I have in mind for our sojourn.  May St. Christopher guide us in our travels as if he were carrying our Lord, pray for us!

Good Day So Far For Lack of Sleep

Seamus doing much better today, I think he’s missing grandpa.  Can’t blame him, we had such an awesome time with him!  He drew a beautiful colored pencil drawing of the Aurora Borealis, good job Seamus!

Didn’t get much sleep last night, Sean-Paul snacked most of the night, probably a growth spurt now that he’s way over his virus, praise be to God!  My mind seems to be going a million miles an hour, writing stuff!  Can’t seem to turn it off…

Looks like we might be leaving for DL on Thursday, kids are excited.

Got dh’s blog up and running, it’s awesome, now for the readership.

Violet worked extra hard on her spelling & dictionary definitions today, she was glad she stuck to it.

Matthias is a whiz at math, no surprise, need to ramp it up for him, I’m going to get him Abeka I think, he seems to want to do the same as Violet and he’ll probably scream right through the 2 book.