Our Day After The Big Day

I awoke to cheerful sounds of the dc playing some of Seamus’s new First Games from Magic Cabin.  And now that the birthday celebrations are somewhat quieting down, we did some real learning today, aka school!!  We actually got more done than I expected and since Seamus has some fun new things to play with, and loves to have the older two to join him, there was a nice mix of school and play or real learning all morning!

Seamus:  Played with his new soft dough from Magic Cabin and the dough tools creating many things including but not limited to:  skateboard ramp, tractor marks, tunnel, and waterslide with a jump!  Made a mosaic with Mosaic Mysteries.  Painted with his new tempera paints.  We read one of his new picture books, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile.  Now he’s doing his new vehicles puzzles with Matthias!

Matthias practiced his new and old pieces from his piano lesson yesterday. Played with the soft dough with Seamus.  Did a Miquon math page and two Math-U-See online drills with multiple functions.  He also did a lovely drawing of our featured object lesson for this week, a birds nest with quail eggs. Oh and made a list of some signs Spring.  He’s now doing his grammar and spelling and then it’s off to play with Seamus and the new Playmobil Rock Castle!!

Violet has worked very hard on her spelling and definitions we printed out from dictionary.com (I love this site!)  She enjoys making up her own sentences from the definitions.  She also did an excellent drawing of the nest and listed her signs of Spring complete with drawing of our resident red fox whose coat is in it’s transisiton phase.  She recited her Latin prayers and completed her Math and did two online Math-U-See drills, multiplication & division. 

Note to Self:  I ordered the Math-U-See preview DVD to check out, I’m really thinking of switching…need to check out the 4real board on Math programs.

Since we missed Tea Time this week as we traveled AGAIN to look for property/rentals, we will have it this afternoon and read Alice in Wonderland!  Have a pot roast in the secret weapon so I’ll have most of the rest of the day to write, read and maybe a little knitting or quilting with Violet! I might check out some house plans online too, oh the possibilities…

Oh, The Roller Coaster is Still Going!

Well, it seems that our rental will only be available for 6 months and then we’d probably have to find another one!!  Oh, this will certainly NOT work.  Who wants to move twice in one year and only for a rental!  Now we’re perusing a purchase option and then back to building again when we can find a suitable lot! I’m ready for a NEW ride I think!

Lovely Afternoon

Had a lovely afternoon with Jodi and Katie Sanders here.  They brought projects for Violet and Matthias and Seamus did a beautiful watercolor of "Baldy"!  We has tea and chatted and I explained our current situation with Boise and they are very excited for us, but sad too.  April 15th is the date!!!  Happens to be Easter weekend so may put off until Monday??? 

What a nice snowy day it’s been, still pining for Spring…..

Quilting and Violet!

What a great day Violet and I had on Saturday, well Baby Sean-Paul came too of course, but he was an absolute angel and slept both directions to and from Twin!!  We were able to find the perfect fabric and backing for Violet’s "Sunbonnet Sue’ embroidery quilt squares and a great quilt book with patterns and templates at Costco of all places!  We went to Barnes and Noble and found several books we’d been wanting and a few b-day presents for Seamus (I can’t believe his b-day is in two weeks). Then we had a nice little lunch at the Starbucks in the book store and finished up in time to be home before the boys came back from their ski day on Dollar with dear daddy!  We laughed and just had a beautiful time, my sweet little lambie pie!

Now we’re off to start putting the quilt together, I hope I can make it work out right!

Note to self:  Take pics of her blocks to post progress on main blog!!

Tospy Turvy!

Well, here we go again!  It seems we’re not pushing to move immediately, sigh…I can’t keep up with this emotional roller-coaster!  We can’t seem to find an acceptable rental and we can’t buy a Lot yet…oh the agony, sometimes it’s all I can take!

Boys, Boys, Boys

Oh the BOYS!  I’ve been yelling at the boys too much this week.  I need a good book about boys…why do they aggrivate me to the boiling point with their constant screwing around???  I love my boys so much, Lord I need some peace of mind for my boys…what was that yahoo group, homeschoolingboys I think, going there now…

We’re On The Move

As it turns out, the events that have played themselves out over the past few weeks have come to fruition.  We are definately on the move.  Boise bound we are and probably within the next week or so.  VERY EXCITING and also a bit frazzling (is that a word?).  The kids are doing fine with everything as we have prepped them along the way, but I’m sure there will be gradual fall-out as things really begin to happen.  God Willing, it will all go well.  St. Jospeh, pray for us!

Winds of Change

Well, our quick overnighter to Boise to catch up with daddio was a bit grueling but  worthwhile.  We really got a feel for the market and what we want to do, which is BUILD AGAIN!!!

Hmm…got to think on this one for a while…Here we go again!